How to Improve Your Home’s Exterior for a Higher Resale Value

repair of the rural house
  • Maintain your yard and garden areas to increase curb appeal and attract potential buyers.
  • Invest in a deck to provide an outdoor entertaining area and increase the property value.
  • Repaint the home’s exterior for a fresh look that will draw in potential buyers.
  • Upgrade the front door by adding glass details or painting it for increased aesthetic appeal.
  • Improve the home’s lighting with ambient, task, and accent lighting layers.

As a homeowner, you may want to increase the value of your property while making it look more appealing to potential buyers. One way to achieve this is by improving the exterior of your home. Curb appeal plays a significant role when it comes to resale value. It is the first impression potential buyers will have when they see your home.

Therefore, a well-maintained and attractive exterior can significantly affect the final closing price. Here are some simple, cost-effective upgrades to boost your home’s aesthetic and, ultimately, its resale value.


An unkempt lawn, overgrown shrubs, or unsightly garden patches can be a big turn-off for potential buyers. Besides, it may create an impression that other parts of the property may be just as neglected.

That is why it is critical to maintain your yard and garden areas. Simple landscaping upgrades like trimming overgrown bushes and adding fresh flowers can add a welcoming touch to your home. If you are working on a tight budget, a homegrown garden patch or a set of potted plants will work perfectly.

Add a Deck

Adding a deck to your home can do more than just provide a relaxing outdoor space. It can also significantly increase your home’s overall value. With the help of a professional deck contractor, you can create a stunning addition to your home that will impress potential buyers and enhance your family’s enjoyment of your home.

A well-designed and beautifully crafted deck can become the highlight of your backyard, offering a luxurious space for entertaining guests or simply unwinding after a long day.

Exterior Paint

man repainting house exterior

Painting your home’s exterior is one of the easiest ways of giving it a fresh look. Weather elements, such as sunlight, rain, and harsh winters, can be tough on your home’s exterior paint, leaving it looking old and faded.

Freshening up the paint job is a simple and affordable way to give your property a fresh look and make it more attractive to potential buyers. Choose neutral or light colors that will appeal to a broad range of buyers.

Upgrade Your Front Door

Investing in a good-quality front door can do wonders for your home’s curb appeal. A beautiful entry door can increase your home’s value and make it pop amongst similar homes in the neighborhood. Consider upgrading your front door by adding glass details or a fresh coat of paint. If you have more to splurge, consider purchasing a door made from high-quality materials, such as wood or fiberglass.


The proper lighting can make all the difference, transforming a dull room into a cozy and inviting space. But improving your home’s lighting is about more than just aesthetics. It can also boost your mood, enhance your productivity, and improve your overall well-being.

Assess Your Current Lighting

The first step to improving your home’s lighting is to look at what you already have. Walk through each room and pay attention to areas that are too dark, too bright, or not quite right. Are there any shadows that need to be banished or areas that could benefit from task lighting?

Consider Lighting Layers

When it comes to lighting, one size does not fit all. A single overhead light may be sufficient for some areas, but in most cases, you’ll want to layer your lighting to create the right ambiance and functionality. This means using a mix of ambient, task, and accent lighting to balance the overall light in a room.

Choose the Right Bulbs

woman installing a light bulb

The type of bulbs you use can make a big difference in the quality of light in your home. If you’re still using incandescent bulbs, it’s time to switch to LED bulbs. Not only do they use less energy and last longer, but they also come in various color temperatures to suit your mood and needs. Cool white bulbs are ideal for task lighting, while warm white bulbs create a cozy, inviting atmosphere.

Add Dimmer Switches

Using dimmer switches is an effective way to manage the brightness of the lights in a room, allowing you to customize the lighting based on your preferences. They’re also helpful for creating different moods throughout the day, such as bright and invigorating in the morning and warm and relaxing in the evening. While dimmer switches can be installed on most types of light fixtures, it’s best to hire a licensed electrician to do the job.

Final Thoughts

Improving your home’s exterior doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. Simple and cost-effective upgrades can significantly affect your home’s resale value. These improvements increase your home’s value and ensure it stands out from other homes in your neighborhood. Your home is an investment; taking the proper steps to improve its appearance pays off in the long run.

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